What Vaccinations Are You Missing?

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5. Herpes Zoster (Shingles): 1 dose for adults over the age of 60.

6. Influenza: 1 dose annually

7. Pnemococcal: 1 or 2 doses between the ages of 19 - 64. 1 dose after the age of 65.

8. Hepatitis A: 2 single doses at least 6 months apart, especially for those with chronic liver disease or receiving clotting factors

9. Hepatitis B: 3 single doses, 2 months apart, especially those who have end stage renal disease

10. Meningococcal: 1 or more doses.

More Vaccination Information:

Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Td) are one of the most common immunizations adults continue to receive after childhood. Tetanus infections cause painful muscle spasms that can cause "lock jaw" preventing the person from opening their mouth; deaths have occurred in 16 % of those infected. Tetanus shots should only be given to pregnant women in the 3rd trimester or the postpartum period.